Tuesday 17 April 2012

mercury again!

Our latest Leicester Mercury photography competition is all about love – and there is nothing Florrie Robins loves more than getting her face painted.
The three-year-old, from Western Park, Leicester, was transformed into a pink butterfly during a visit to Gorse Hill City Farm.
This photo of Florrie was taken by her mum, Clair.
Clair, 43, said: "Florrie is three and her sister, Polly, is 14 weeks, and I love capturing every minute I can. Florrie loves getting her face painted and her favourites are being a butterfly and a princess."
We are offering £100 of Jessops vouchers for the best picture on the theme of love.
Readers have until May 13 to e-mail in their photographs to:
picturedesk@ leicestermercury.co.uk

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