Tuesday 7 September 2010

Naughty Box

Have tried naughty step, chill out chair and reflection zones...didn't work, now have a bad girl box.....is this legal?

A popular design......................(as Facebook comments suggest).............

Sarah Haywood Very legal!!!! I think all house's with toddlers should have one!!!! x

Monday at 11:22 · .Paul Smyth I think it works better if you shut the lid

Monday at 12:06 · .Anders Colver Thinking you've got a v.marketable product there, me dear!

Monday at 12:07 · · .Jennie Weston The joys of the terrible 2;)

Monday at 12:14 · · .Clair Robins dragons den ....here we come! (optional locking devices and food slots)

Monday at 13:55 ·  · .Helen McCann-O'leary what a good idea??

Monday at 16:13 ·  .Liz Johnson what is the RRP?

Monday at 21:47 · · .Nick Henson Bad girl box, sounds like one of Robos Videos!!!

18 hours ago ·  .Andrew Whitney I think it depends how deep u bury it as far as it's legality is concerned.

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