Friday 24 September 2010


Florrie had her first wee on the loo today......................She sat on a Kiddies seat on the loo, I shut the door and a minute later I heard her wee.. what a grown up.. she will be two years old in 9 days time x (She still has a nappy on.............. one step at a time)....

Thursday 23 September 2010

Friday 17 September 2010

Toast @ supper

I just sat on florries toast with my big fat arse.......................she had put the plate on the settee, and I did not notice.
I did not throw it away, I brushed it down and gave it to her to eat...... it was quite squashed.....oooooops. BAD MUM.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Monday 13 September 2010

Replacement for Baron Chesterfield

Since Baron Chesterfield (The pet goldfish) only survived for 2 weeks, this creation by myself and the boz was the best alternative.............

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Naughty Box

Have tried naughty step, chill out chair and reflection zones...didn't work, now have a bad girl this legal?

A popular design......................(as Facebook comments suggest).............

Sarah Haywood Very legal!!!! I think all house's with toddlers should have one!!!! x

Monday at 11:22 · .Paul Smyth I think it works better if you shut the lid

Monday at 12:06 · .Anders Colver Thinking you've got a v.marketable product there, me dear!

Monday at 12:07 · · .Jennie Weston The joys of the terrible 2;)

Monday at 12:14 · · .Clair Robins dragons den we come! (optional locking devices and food slots)

Monday at 13:55 ·  · .Helen McCann-O'leary what a good idea??

Monday at 16:13 ·  .Liz Johnson what is the RRP?

Monday at 21:47 · · .Nick Henson Bad girl box, sounds like one of Robos Videos!!!

18 hours ago ·  .Andrew Whitney I think it depends how deep u bury it as far as it's legality is concerned.
She does like getting messy in the garden!

mud and gardening


Sunday 5 September 2010